I've saved a picture on my desktop of 10 Nigerians who were butchered by their neighbors. Those killed were the sister, children and brother-in-law of a friend who I continue to communicate with. The picture I obtained is the photo my friend took of his family and posted it on Facebook after the deed was done. In sorrow and outrage he writes. "My sister and her four children were butchered in their sleep this night by fulani people in Fadan Karshi. Pray with us for i lack d words to describe it"
This is the second such incident I've encountered in the past year involving people I know. I wonder, "What is the world coming to?" Or perhaps, it is who I have made my friends. I grieve with my friends and gasp at the horror not many of the privileged need to grapple with. I save the terrible picture because I don't want to loose touch with the people on the other side of the world simply because they are on the other side. They are just as important as I am. And they deserve to be remembered.
Here is a very moving speech by someone effected.
(Warning: It is quite graphic.)
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