Monday, August 17, 2015

Accompanied Home

In light of recent events, I am sorry to assume the 30 something man with hippish looking attire was anything but well intentioned when he walked me home from the market today.

I went to the market to get charcoal to cook breakfast this morning. It's a short walk and the girls always love to accompany me. But walking single file with two toddlers is a learned process. Of course I get the usual fan-fare. People wanting to say hi to the twins etc. Up till recently, they have screamed at people and wanted to hide or run away. Because recently I have been bribing them, telling them that I would give them a treat if they shake people's hands. This morning however, I really didn't want them to shake this guy's hand. I guess he was working close by and came to try to get the girls' attention. Gracie gave it to him but Glory refused. Before I knew it he was holding Gracie on his shoulder--Gracie's favorite spot. I scratched my brain on how to get rid of this guy and couldn't think of much as I don't expect any young men to offer to carry my child home for me.

On the walk home I chatted with him a bit and looked him over as he did me I am sure.

He had sort of hip long shorts and a scarf like item around his neck to use as a sweat towel. It had a gaudy gold medallion on it the size of my fist. He had shades and hip shoes. A smallish beard that came down in a point. Smartly dressed for this culture and taste. He asked me if the girls had breakfast. I answered truthfully of course, saying, "No... I am getting charcoal so I can cook breakfast."

"You cook with charcoal? You don't use gas?!" he queried. "You don't have a maid to help with the kids?"

"Yes, I cook with charcoal and I take care of the kids myself."

"I don't believe you. This girl is telling me you are lying," he counters.

Here we go again, I thought. And I was even carrying the 3 handfuls of charcoal in a sack for all to see.

I began trying to figure out where I should lead him to pretend I live there. I can't walk past my house, as the girls will protest and give me away. I could cross the street and go past the store they like going to because they will willingly do that. So, that is what I did. Meanwhile, those who actually lived in the area peered at me oddly. But I shook him and he went back to where he came from.

My mind is spinning wondering what this is all about. Obviously, he is finding out where I live for a potential unannounced visit. He seems to be a vain guy, so I am sure he has to support that lifestyle somehow. He believes he has encountered someone with enough money for a hired maid and gas cooking. This doesn't look good. I am glad I am going to be moving out of this hotbed of thieves in a short week or two. I wonder if he is after my stuff or after the kids, since he tried and succeeded in establishing a connection with them?

Of note here: Preconceived conceptions are so strong that even if presented with evidence to the contrary, no one is convinced. This is how iron tight social status constructs are. You will fulfill your duties no matter what.

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