Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Prayers of 6 yr olds

last night, New Years Eve Night they prayed for...

Mommy, so she can stop coughing. They prayed for the angels and Jesus to help fight the devil to keep him away from us. They prayed for daddy to come to America. They told God to help us bring daddy to America so we don't have to be poor Americans. They prayed that we can have money. They prayed that their skin could be healed and that they would not be itchy. They prayed that their baby brother could be alive again with Mommy's sister.

By the time they finished I was sobbing and coughing so much I couldn't pray and they didn't notice I couldn't add my prayers. They went to bed discussing why Mommy is crying. "Mommy misses daddy."

But truly the tears would not stop for many more reasons than that. I cried because every request they made of God was an impossible request. I've been coughing for 3 months. We've been trying to get daddy to America for 8 years and now it seems there is another barrier and delay. We've been struggling with their skin issues since they were born. The job seems unattainable especially if I'm coughing this much.

Everything they asked for seems like calculus. For children this small, should they not be praying about cupcakes, candy and presents and mundane things like that?

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